Craig Coppola was born and raised in Arizona. He began backpacking many years ago, both on trips across the globe and in the early morning hours before his long days at the office. Having hiked on five continents, Craig loves to travel and exploring new places - whether it is on his own, with his family, or with his friends.
This website was created as a memory book for all of his adventures and to hopefully inspire others to travel and experience the beauty of the world.
R. Craig Coppola
Partial Athletic Resume:
World hiker, backpacker and traveler
Completed 51 Marathons (or longer)
3rd Degree Black Belt - Tae Kwon Do
2004 Take Kwon Do World Champion
Inducted in Tae Kwon Do Hall of Fame
Drafted by and played for the Minnesota Twins
Favorite Hiking Locations:
Mount Everest Base Camp, Nepal
South Island New Zealand
Torres Del Paine, Chile
Anywhere in the Sierra Nevadas
The Grand Canyon
The Arizona Trail
An avid backpacker, Craig strives to spend "30 nights a year on the ground" and is a sunrise collector, "catching hope" every morning. He has had the good fortune of hiking some of the most incredible trails in the world.
He is the author of five books, including The Fantastic Life, in which he outlines the 18 rules to living the fantastic life. Rule #6 is "Stay out of the Matrix." One of Craig's favorite ways to get out of the matrix is to hike and travel.
Craig is a founding principal of Lee & Associates Arizona. He spends his non-hiking hours representing office space users and owners (
Craig is a third generation Arizonan (he grew up in Sierra Vista, Arizona) and father of four remarkable children.